Thursday 18 October 2012

Woes of a horrible blogger

Oh hey look! I have a blog! That's a surprise! no,really it was a surprise because I had forgotten that I had one. But now that I've rediscovered it (thank you pre literature mock procrastination) I promise to post regularly for the numerous people that follow my ok. I'll post for the 4 followers I have (Hi guys!) You shall be treated to my wonderful cynical rants,my fail attempts at poetry and the occasional language class assignment,In short,Reja Tahir is back! let us all dance to commemorate this highly insignificant event! 

until then,I need to go and ponder about Blanche DuBois' psychopathic tendencies.

Monday 9 January 2012


friend: so how have you been?
Me: why are you so concerned? do you think I’m a depressed soul like everyone else?
friend: nah,you’re more like a ‘pissed off soul’
Me: couldn’t have said it better myself.